Several of my concert programs are very suitable for performing in churches, both in connection with religious services and as regular concerts. I also do performances as a soloist in churches, accompanied by the local church musician, playing the repertoir that is asked for.
Read about all of my bands here
Möte i Mixturen

“Möte i Mixturen” is an, album, a concert program and a meeting between the folk musician and saxophone player Pär Moberg, and the organ player and professor in artistic research Karin Johansson, both active at the academy of music in Malmö, Sweden. In this program, Swedish, Arabic and Jewish folk music meet gigants of the organ repertoire such as Couperin and Buxtehude. Together they experiment with the possibilities and sounds of their respective instruments and traditions. Above, you can hear some pieces from a concert in Malmö, Sweden in the summer of 2016. The full cd can for instance be listened to at Spotify, or downloaded from iTunes. Physical copies can be bought from Evolving Traditions by emailing me. On the cd, the qanoun player Nabil Kassis is also playing in one piece.
“With his fellow musicians, Moberg has created an album filled with warmth and charm. Something that is well worth listening to – especially so in these troublesome days.”
Thomas Wihlman, Opulens magazine, May 2020
“The album is characterized by an openness and security of form, a controlled lust for experiments, and very successful crossings of borders. […]. Both magnificent and majestic”:
Bo Bjelvehammar, Lira May 2020. Link to the full review.